Oil painting appeals to me because of it’s strength and depth of colour. As the paint dries slowly, oil painting requires consideration, time and patience but the result is most rewarding. I achieve my desired results by applying several layers of paint successively which increases the intensity of the painting. I usually dilute the paint with linseed oil and to a lesser extent with turpentine. I have a preference for painting on canvas because I like to use its structure in my paintings.

Anemoon Kust bij Mesnil Normandie Lysianthus Muscoviet Ngoro Ngoro crater Tanzania Orchidee in Costa Rica Steen uit zee ontstaan Stronk van eikenhout Spectroliet Ararat vruchten Ararat 2 Optrekkende ochtendnevel bij laag wate Zandsteengroeve Bentheimer berg 1 Zandsteengroeve Bentheimer berg 2 Berk papierberk naderende regenbui